01 Lab | The Taiwan Digital Humanities Society has officially become a member of ADHO

Date: 2018-06-29 01 Lab


01Lab: Archiving digital lives, reconceptualizing sci-tech and the humanities

台湾数位人文学会于2018年六月正式成为ADHO(Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations,数位人文组织联盟)组织成员(Constituent Organization),相关公告请见:http://adho.org/announcements/2017/adho- welcomes-new-organizations-0


ADHO Welcomes New Organizations 

ADHO is excited to announce the admission of 2 new Constituent Organizations and a new Special Interest Group! The Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities and Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa have been admitted provisionally in observer status for 1 year pending ADHO’s governance changes in 2018. The Digital Literary Stylistics Special Interest Group is actively seeking participants. Read on for more about each organization.

Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities (TADH)

The Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities (TADH), founded in 2016, promotes digital humanities research in Taiwan and engages digital humanities in higher education and professional training. TADH also facilitates international digital humanities collaborations, including conferences such as the annual International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, in addition to other academic activities. The association supports publications such as the Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, and advocates for digital humanities education and research recognition in Taiwan. To get involved, contact tadh.tw.gmail.com.

Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA)

The Digital Humanities Association of Southern Africa (DHASA) grew out of the 2015 First National Digital Humanities Workshop held at North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa. DHASA was officially founded the following year. The organization’s aims include promoting understanding and practice of digital approaches to humanities scholarship; working toward a “methodological commons;” and providing guidance in the development of standards and expertise to promote best practices in DH teaching and practice. DHASA works to extend the awareness of digital scholarship in the humanities through conferences, workshops, and disciplinary outreach, as well as through its advocacy of scholarly recognition. It is also concerned with identifying funding and training opportunities and showcasing southern African DH innovations. To get involved, contact info@digitalhumanities.org.za.

Digital Literary Stylistics SIG (SIG-DLS)

The Digital Literary Stylistics Special Interest Group (SIG-DLS) will bring together researchers from different perspectives to discuss theoretical, methodological and technical issues of doing digital style analysis, share resources, and organize events and initiatives. The SIG-DLS will be a platform fostering the study of style in any type of discourse, register, and genre. Although the central focus is on aspects of literary discourse, this research also includes the study of non-literary texts.

The SIG sees itself providing a core "DH" service – enabling cutting-edge research at the interface of hermeneutic and "computational" communities. The group will develop text analysis pipelines, encourage use of community hubs such as GitHub, curate a bibliography on Zotero, build and share corpora, and develop a shared conceptual and technical vocabulary to ensure that scholars taking distinct disciplinary approaches to style can grow from and build on one another’s work.

To learn more, have a look at our proposal or contact J. Berenike Herrmann at berenike.herrmann@unibas.ch.


台湾数位人文学会(Taiwanese Association of Digital Humanities,简称TADH)成立于2016年,为非以营利为目的之社会团体,以推动台湾数位人文发展,培育数位人文人才及促进数位人文国际交流合作为宗旨。学会的任务包括推动数位人文研究发展,培育数位人文人才,促进数位人文国际交流合作,出版数位人文学术刊物,举办数位人文学术活动,推广数位人文教育与应用。学会的年度工作有筹组台湾代表团,参加国际数位人文研讨会,主办数位人文工作坊和讲座,召开理监事联席会和会员大会,合办数位典藏与数位人文国际研讨会等。网址:http://tadh.org.tw



ADHO(Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations,数位人文组织联盟)旨在促进和支持横跨艺术、人文领域的数字人文研究和教学,汇集参与数字和计算机辅助研究、教学、创作和传播的人文学者。ADHO支持出版、演示、合作和培训,认可和支持数字人文领域的成就,提供基于社群的咨询,并协调成员组织的各项活动。ADHO的成员来自不同的地区和领域,涉及文本分析、电子出版、文档编码、文本研究、新媒体和多媒体研究、数字图书馆、增强现实、互动游戏等前沿领域;遍布英语、历史、法语、现代语言、哲学、喜剧、音乐、计算机科学和视觉艺术等科系;包含学者、行政人员、学生等。网址:http://adho.org

主编 / 陈静           责编 / 顾佳蕙          美编 / 傅春妍
