


The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and the authorsfor the articles: Julia Flanders ( 2009 ),“The Productive Unease of21st-century Digital Scholarship”,Digital Humanities Quarterly,3(3). Wendell Piez (2008),“Something Called Digital Humanities”, Digital Humanities Quarterly,2 (1).Paul S. Rosenbloom (2012),“Toward a Conceptual Framework for the Digital Humanities”,DigitalHumanities Quarterly ,6 (2).Patrick Svensson  (2009),“HumanitiesComputing as Digital Humanities”,Digital Humanities Quarterly ,3 (3).

Chris Forster for the blog post:"T'm Chris,Where Am I Wrong?”

Fred Gibbs for the article:“Digital Humanities Definitions byType".

Mentis for the article: John Unsworth (2002),“What is HumanitiesComputing and What is Not?”,Jahrbuch f iir Computer philologie,4.

Lincoln Mullen for the blog post:"Digital Humanities is a Spec-trum,or ‘ We're All Digital Humanists Now'".

Nowviskie for the blog post:“ADHO,On Love andMoney".

Oxford Journals and the authors for the articles:Willard McCarty(2006),“Tree,Turf,Centre,Archipelago—or Wild Acre? Metaphorsand Stories for Humanities Computing ”,Literary and Linguistic Computing ,21 (1).Melissa Terras (2006),"Disciplined: Using Edu-cational Studies to Analyse ‘ Humanities Computing'”,Literary andLinguistic Computing ,21(2).

Stephen Ramsay for the blog posts:“Who's In and Who's Out”and"On Building".
Geoffrey Rockwell (1999)for the article:“Is Humanities Computing an Academic Discipline?”originally published at http://l www.iath. virginia. edu/hcs/ rockwell.html and for the blog post“Inclusion inthe Digital Humanities”.

Mark Sample for the blog post:“The Digital Humanities is notabout Building,it's about Sharing”.

Melissa Terras for the blog post:“Peering Inside the Big Tent".TEXTTechnology and the author for the article:Jerome J. Mc-Gann ( 2005),“Information Technology and the Troubled Humani-ties”,TEXT Technology,14(2).

The Modern Language Association of America for the article:Matthew Kirschenbaum ( 2010),“What is Digital Humanities andWhat's it Doing in English Departments”,ADE Bulletin,150.
